The Writer's Blog

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Life Between Books


Autumn has just begun, and like so many others, it makes me feel like starting something new. And that's just what I'm going to do, as soon as I make up my mind whether to write the next in the Nicky Sullivan series (Clean Kill is book one) or a follow-up to the novel I've just put the finishing touches on, called Sparrow's Nest. As I mull that over, other things are going on.

 It looks like I'll be serving on the board of the Mystery Writers of America--I'm running in an uncontested election. It's an honor to be on the national board, so I'm happy about that. I'll be turning my hand to writing a short story to submit for an anthology being published next year. Short story writing draws on different skills than novel writing and I don't have much experience with it. I'm taking a class with Rebecca Makaii this fall to try to sharpen those skill. It's always fun to learn better ways to write.
The thing I'm most excited about is that I'm scheduled to appear as a guest on WGN radio, an AM station with a huge audience. I'll be talking with Rick Kogan about Clean Kill and I'm looking forward to it. It's a live broadcast, so I'm a wee bit nervous.

Linda and I attended a rally for Kamala Harris in Milwaukee during the national convention in Chicago. It was magical--a packed arena filled with positive energy, such a relief from the stress of worrying about a second Trump administration. I won't go on at length about politics, but I believe with all my heart that defeating Trump is essential to this country. Please VOTE!
Linda and I were in the Asheville, North Carolina area a few weeks ago. We're thinking of moving to Waynesville, about thirty minutes outside the city--a beautiful small town in the mountains. Just read today that it was flooded by the most recent in a never-ending string of hurricanes that hit the southeast. Hmm. I live in Chicago, one of the safest cities climate-wise. We're spoiled by that.

That's it for the update. Until next time

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